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Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic

on Ports in South East Asia and beyond

Thursday 10th September 2020

3:30 pm - 5:00 pm GMT+7

Brought to you by

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About This Webinar


The Covid-19 pandemic, starting in January, still rages unabated in some parts of the world till now, disrupting daily lives, businesses, and industries in ways that will shape the “New Normal”.  To contain the fast spread of the pandemic, many governments in the world have imposed “lockdown” to restrict the movements of its citizens. As a result, nearly all the international flights are suspended, so are face-to-face exhibitions and conferences.

Webinars are perfect supplements during pandemic and provide great opportunities for industries to keep communications and update on latest trends. This webinar intends to gather port authorities/operators, analysts and leading suppliers, and discuss the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on ports in South East Asia and beyond. There will be speeches and a panel discussion followed by Q&A. We are confident that this webinar will keep you updated and get your questions/concerns answered on the pandemic’s impacts on the port industry in South East Asia and beyond.


We look forward to meeting you online!





This webinar provides sponsorship opportunities for industry players who would like to create, maintain and enhance brand awareness during pandemic in a very cost effective way.

Supporting Sponsor (Limited to Two Sponsors ONLY) at USD 3, 000 and benefits as below:

- A 20-minute speech during the webinar

- 3 times Webinar invitation to more than 10,000 database with logo prominently on top as "Sponsor".

- Acknowledgement as Sponsor and logo along with 200-word profile & hyperlink on Webinar website.

- Logo on the introductory slide at the beginning of Webinar.

- One gold pass (conference, cocktail & site visit, worth USD 1,899) to 2nd Port Development South East Asia Summit 2021.

Should you be interested, please kindly send emails to with subject “Sponsorship Enquiry - Webinar on Ports” ASAP.

© 2020 by Innowinn Group

Address: Room 1411, Building B, 15 Changyi Road, Shanghai, 200441 P.R.C     Tel: +86 21 5677 9010      Email:

© 2016-2025 by Innowinn Group

Address: Room 2501, 4995 Gonghexin Road, Shanghai, 200435 P.R.C.


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